Contact Center Services, Featured

Power of the Call: Your Secret Weapon to Maximize Revenue and Reduce Costs

January 22, 2019

Use outsourced contact center services to increase lead conversion and decrease CPL

Today’s businesses face the same challenge: how to grow by converting more profitable leads, acquiring more valuable customers to generate more revenue while keeping lead and sales costs flat — or, better yet, even reducing them. For businesses selling products or services that are expensive, complex to buy, sold in mature or highly-competitive markets, or where the time between lead creation and closing a transaction is long, doing so gets even harder.

Imagine the stress for a marketing leader deciding where to spend media budgets to generate new leads this month without useful data on how similar investments from a month ago panned out.  Or for a sales leader having to choose which sales people should spend scarce time qualifying leads (instead of focusing on closing sales) without data to judge the future revenue benefit when this month’s sales targets still need to be hit.

Over the last 13 years, our Contact Center Services have partnered with clients operating in these complex considered-purchase environments and we’re sharing our 3 key lessons that we’ve learned to help our clients maximize their resources, improve conversion and deliver greater ROI back to their business.

Download this white paper to learn more our capabilities and client case studies.